from Sweetwater Press

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Don't Quit Your Day Job...Hah!

Spring has come to west Georgia. At least, the spring flowers are in full bloom. This weekend the dogwoods blossomed in the woods along the highway. And I'm happy to see warmer weather after such a cold winter. We even had snow this year! I love snow, and it was a double treat for me as it snowed on my birthday. Doesn't get any better than that! Needless to say, I spent as much time out in it with my camera as I could. But my usual exuberance over spring time is muted this year, as I am faced with a challenge that I'm not too sure I can least not well.

One of the many pieces of advice often given to aspiring writers, artists, and entrepreneurs is to keep your job and build your business on the side. In this way you can build up your clips, portfolio, or clientele while still paying the bills and/or paying down your debt. Hopefully, you'll also be able, during this time, to save up an emergency fund to help you through the transition when you're ready to give up the j-o-b to run your business full time. But...what if your job quits you first? What if you get laid off before you've paid off your bills or saved at least 6-8 months of living funds?

Today's working environment is highly volatile. Corporations are downsizing; production work is being sent overseas; the bottom can drop out of your work-life without warning. That's what happened to my co-workers and me in February. We went in to work on a Monday evening only to find that second shift was being shut down. That very day! Wham-bam, just like that, with no prior warning. Even the boss didn't know it until he showed up for work that evening. At the meeting, I was o-kay with the lay-off until one of the HR people started taking our badges. I think I went into shock then. I simply couldn't (and still can't) believe it. Talk about bad timing!

I've always said that Life is an adventure...well, I think this is going to be mine. Wish me well on this journey. I have no idea where I'm going, nor how I'm going to get there, but staying put is no longer an option. If I'm going to soon be broke and homeless, this gal's headed for the beach. Until I can finagle a laptop to keep me company, I can't say how often I'll get back online, as sadly, the cable will be the first thing to get axed.

My advice to you, whether you're considering going into business for yourself or not, is to start matter how Even small change adds up over time. Pennies make dollars the adults always told me when I was a kid. Yes, they do.

Blessings to you all!