from Sweetwater Press

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Getting the Point on a Summer Day

Mid-morning sun shines brightly through the east window, beckoning me to come outside where I am greeted by a cloudless cerulean sky. The temperature is a pleasant 70-ish, but there is an underlying feel of heat as the sun climbs higher. By late afternoon, the temperature will be in the 90's. June is winding down. In the small copse of trees at the end of the drive, mimosa blooms. The wispy, pink-tipped flowers remind me of downy feathers. The fragrance of mimosa is sweet, yet delicate, inviting intimacy beneath the palm-like fronds. Fruit is forming on the persimmon tree nearby and the tall pines sport new cones. The air is permeated with bird calls. A couple of bickering mockingbirds flitter about in a neighboring yard, squabbling over who knows what. Sights and sounds of summer are all around. My heart sings with joy on this summer's day.

And so....

I decided to spruce up the blog a little. The parchment look of the Scribe template lends itself well to the writing aspect of Rambling and Writing, and makes a wonderful background for a travel journal. New Moon Angel's posts (see side bar for link) on her pilgrimage to Santiago is a prime example of what I mean. It was a good choice for me as a beginning blogger. However, as I redefine myself, my goals, and begin to assess what my true focus and purpose is in this Life, and the values that guide me, I find the previous template a little sombre and not much To the Point (apologies, Valerie). In previewing the templates offered here at blogger, I found this one and realized it would be the perfect fit for Rambling and Writing. And the perfect way to herald the summer season.

My passion lies in Nature. Writing, photography, and art form a circle of which nature, in all its beauty and bounty, is the center. Whether I am gazing for miles from the fire tower at Mt. Mitchell, or Brasstown Bald, cruising Lake Lure in the tour boat, walking the beach at the edge of the Atlantic Ocean, hanging out at West Point Dam, or simply standing on my back deck looking out over the pasture as the seasons change, if I am in the sight of nature, I am at peace. And that is My Point.

Hope you've been enjoying the blog so far. Join me now in celebrating Life, summer, and our natural world. Have a great day!


Thursday, June 21, 2007

Summer in the South

Happy first day of Summer! Today marks the longest day of the year and the 'official' beginning of the summer season. Around the globe people have been celebrating the Summer Solstice in a variety of ways, with dances, bonfires, and lots of merry-making. Guess I'll celebrate by showing up for work today. Ha, ha.

Summer in the South is really a special time of year. The steaming hot days and sultry nights are the things novels are made of. Places such as Charleston, South Carolina, and Savannah, Georgia are deemed to be the most romantic in the Southeast. And for good reason. Although both are bustling port cities, their plantations, antebellum houses, and moss-laden oak trees, exude old world charm. Is it any wonder, then, that novelists, poets, and artists alike find inspiration within their boundaries?

In your list of 'things to do in your lifetime,' make visiting Charleston or Savannah one of them. Time spent in either is not wasted. Whether you stroll the markets, along the shore, or simply repose on a shady veranda sipping ice tea (or a mint julep), you will experience a strong sense of the past. Talk to locals, especially older folk, and you may also come away with fodder for your own novel. There are plenty of stories to be told, and still elders around to tell them. All they need is an interested ear. Could it be yours? Listen with your senses as well as your ears to add flavor to your story.

I am working on a couple of writing projects myself which I am very excited about. Will post more on them later, as things fall into place. In the meantime, hope you have a wonderful, productive summer. And don't forget to have fun, too!!