from Sweetwater Press

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Summer in the South

Happy first day of Summer! Today marks the longest day of the year and the 'official' beginning of the summer season. Around the globe people have been celebrating the Summer Solstice in a variety of ways, with dances, bonfires, and lots of merry-making. Guess I'll celebrate by showing up for work today. Ha, ha.

Summer in the South is really a special time of year. The steaming hot days and sultry nights are the things novels are made of. Places such as Charleston, South Carolina, and Savannah, Georgia are deemed to be the most romantic in the Southeast. And for good reason. Although both are bustling port cities, their plantations, antebellum houses, and moss-laden oak trees, exude old world charm. Is it any wonder, then, that novelists, poets, and artists alike find inspiration within their boundaries?

In your list of 'things to do in your lifetime,' make visiting Charleston or Savannah one of them. Time spent in either is not wasted. Whether you stroll the markets, along the shore, or simply repose on a shady veranda sipping ice tea (or a mint julep), you will experience a strong sense of the past. Talk to locals, especially older folk, and you may also come away with fodder for your own novel. There are plenty of stories to be told, and still elders around to tell them. All they need is an interested ear. Could it be yours? Listen with your senses as well as your ears to add flavor to your story.

I am working on a couple of writing projects myself which I am very excited about. Will post more on them later, as things fall into place. In the meantime, hope you have a wonderful, productive summer. And don't forget to have fun, too!!

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