from Sweetwater Press

Friday, February 16, 2007

Just Starting Out

It's cold beneath the Georgia pines as Winter waxes strong, with icy winds that speak of Arctic frost. A mug of hot chocolate wouldn't be amiss even this late at night...and a warm afghan to curl up in as night deepens. Welcome, on this Winter night, to my first blog. Witness, if you will, my first tentative ramblings and writings. But perhaps I should explain some things first.

Rambling: I use the term more in the sense of wandering, travelling, if you will; exploring the world around you. Especially the natural world with all its beauty and wonder. This is what I do when the weather is fine, or perhaps a little chilly (not like it is tonight!). Some call it Sunday Driving. I call it Weekend Ramblin'...getting away for the weekend or a day, or just a few precious hours, winding down from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and job stress. A change of scenery never hurts, and you return home feeling relaxed and refreshed.
You still may not be eager and willing to head back to work Monday morning, but that's beside the point. The point is to take what time you have to regenerate, to step outside the usual and get to know your surrounding areas. There was a reason our parents/grandparents went on Sunday drives. Because they knew it was important to their well-being to break the monotony of day-to-day living.
That, perhaps, explains Rambling. The writing is self-explanatory. I will be ramblin' around my area and writing about what I see, what I find, and encourage you to get out and explore, too. It's more important than ever that we take time out of our busy lives to relax and renew our relationship with nature and each other. It's 2007 and I'm just starting out, embarking on a new journey in a new area. I'm looking forward to sharing with you whatever I might find and to visit some old haunts, favorites of mine, places my heart yearns for when I am away too long. Won't you join me on this journey? As Robert Frost says in his poem, The Pasture: "I sha'n't be gone long.--You come too."

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